Skateboarding P2-P5 Wednesday 16:15

Skateboarding P2-P5  Wednesday 16:15

Activity Description

This offer primarily involves learning to skateboard, i.e. both theoretically and practically. The basics include, for example, keeping your balance, making turns or turning 180° with the skateboard. These skills are practised on flat ground and various ramps. In particular, the following skills are promoted - motor skills, discipline, creativity and social interaction.

Introducing the teacher

Maxim Zimmerling is an experienced educator and skateboard instructor who works in several schools. He also has multicultural experience with students abroad.

Activity Details

Day Wednesday
Time 16:15  to  17:15
Topic Sports
Grade P2, P3, P4, P5
Spoken Language English, German
School Outdoor Pitch
Praunheimer Weg 126, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
School Outdoor Pitch
Room School Outdoor Pitch
Teacher Maxim Zimmerling
Available Places 2
Maximum Participants 10
Minimum Participants 8
Cost € 79.00 Per Workshop
Please login to register for this activity
€ 79.00 2