Update : 11.02.2025
The following parents represent the sections of the School
• Elizaveta Gardo (DE)
• Stephanie Quiet (EN)
• Marco Gasparoni (ES)
• Nadia Lackhoff (FR)
• Maria Rösel (IT)
• Orsolya Kóczánné Láng (SWALS)
• Aleksandra Maneg (DE)
• Linda Boros (EN)
• Carlos Bowles (FR)
• Floriana Grimaldi (IT)
• Marta Jimenez (ES)
• Emese Farkas (SWALS)
The Education Council Representatives co-operate with the class reps of their section, to address potential issues and to disseminate information of a pedagogical nature. They assist the PA Board in adopting its stance on pedagogical matters in order for it to fully play its role as a member of the School’s Admin Board, the School’s Advisory Committee and Interparents. To this end, the Education Council Representatives give the Board information and expresses opinions, as required, concerning their section. Further more they may also be required to read and comment on documents transmitted to them. In this framework, they get in contact, as needed, with the School Administration, class reps of their section, teachers and/or other parent representatives in the Education Council.
The Education Council Representatives convey the views, wishes, worries, and proposals of the parents in their section to the Education Council. To this end, before each Education Council meeting, they get in touch with all class reps in their section to agree with them the matters which should be put forward at the Education Council meeting and the position they eventually plan to take on matters to be discussed. They coordinate with the representatives of other sections and with the Board, to make sure the Education Council Representatives take a coherent stance and representative stance at Education Council meetings. After every Education Council meeting, all Education Council Representatives agree the minutes of the meeting, which they send to class reps of their section and to the Board. The minutes can be requested via the contact form.
According to article 8 (3) of the Statutes of the Parents’ Association (new draft), the Association’s Board decides each year, at its first meeting after the ordinary General Assembly, the area of responsibility of each Board member. In this framework, the Board nominates, among its members, the future representatives of the four sections to the School’s Primary and Secondary Education Council. The members nominated must be parents of a child attending the relevant section of the School. If more than one candidate comes forward for any position, the Board decides by simple voting majority of the members present.
In order to fill positions for which no Board members could be found and which would otherwise remain vacant, the Board assigns to one of its members the task to get in touch with the class reps of the relevant section, in order to ask them to nominate, among themselves, their representative to the Education Council. The class reps communicate to the Board the name of a representative within a month. If the class reps do not select a representative among themselves, the Board nominates, at its full discretion, a parent with at least one child in the relevant section.
A Education Council Representative continues to hold his/her post until a new representative is nominated.
Each Year, the President of the Board notifies the School Direction about the names of the Education Council Representatives.
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