Martial Arts Coordination 1 M1 & M2 Tuesday 15:05

Martial Arts Coordination 1 M1 & M2 Tuesday 15:05

Activity Description

Coordination - learning to keep your body under control.

Body control, being able to distinguish between left and right, letting the body do what the brain demands: all of these things fall under the term coordination. Studies show that school performance is largely related to motor skills, meaning that children who learn Martial Arts at an early age have an advantage over other children in school.  Sensitivity of motor function play a decisive and important role in our "Martial Arts Coordination". With seemingly small exercises like standing on one leg, balancing on a beam, or working with a partner, children can help to improve their motor skills and eye-hand coordination. The aim is to support the natural development of coordination and to increase an interest in Martial Arts such as Judo, Strong kids or Taekwondo. Judo suits can be purchased from Pia Van Thurenhout if required.


Introducing the Teacher

Sven Wagner has over 20 years of experience in Martial Arts. He practices Judo, Ju-Jutsu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Since 17 years he has been a trainer to children and teenagers.

He is a licensed trainer and looks forward to teaching your children.


Activity Details

Day Tuesday
Time 15:00  to  16:00
Topic Sports
Spoken Language English, German
Modular Building
Praunheimer Weg 126, 60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Modular Building
Room Modular Building Sports Room 002
Teacher Sven Wagner
Available Places 1
Maximum Participants 16
Minimum Participants 11
Cost € 45.00 Per Workshop
Please login to register for this activity
€ 45.00 1