KiVa Parent Workshop: a truly inspiring anti-bullying lesson
The ESF and the Parents’ Association in cooperation with the ECB are pleased to invite you to the second event with KiVa research-based Anti-Bullying Programme: an engaging and informative Parent Workshop to be held on 4 April 2017 at the ECB (Main Building).
During the workshop the participants will learn to recognise the warning signs of bullying and build parent skills to prevent their kids from becoming either a bully or a target of bullying. Through interactive sessions, parents will learn how to use anti-bullying techniques to encourage their children to talk with them if they are bullied or see other being bullied, and react effectively.
The event will be a mixture of presentations and small-group interactive sessions run in two languages: English and German.
Parents’ cooperation and support for bullying prevention initiatives is an important aspect of the ESF’s strategy to reinforce the KiVa programme implementation in our school. We encourage you to use this opportunity as a parent to contribute to this event and register for one of the language groups for the interactive sessions.
Barbara Soszyńska, Catherine Brodie & Mariella Spata
Anti-bullying programme at the European School Frankfurt (ESF): “Workshop on how it works in the ESF Primary School.”
KiVa is a research-based anti-bullying programme that has been developed in the University of Turku, Finland, and has been introduced in the primary sections of many of the European schools, including the ESF.
Following the November 2016 KiVa Info Session, the ESF and the Parents’ Association are pleased to invite all parents of primary school children to a KiVa Workshop on Tuesday, 4 April 2017. The workshop will be hosted by the ECB Directorate General Human Resources and will be held at the European Central Bank, Main Building, Sonnemannstrasse 20, in room C3.08/09 at 5.30pm.
The event will start with a short presentation by Mrs. Marja-Liisa Kärnä and Mr. Antonio Langarita (language teachers and certified KiVa trainers at the ESF) who will briefly present the content of the KiVa programme and its implementation at the ESF.
The main part of the event will be dedicated to 30-minute small-group interactive sessions. The participants will have an opportunity to take part in and experience an authentic KiVa lesson as normally given to pupils. This may include, inter alia, working in pairs, learning by doing and role-play. The aim is to help parents reinforce what their children have learned in the classroom by adapting and applying the bullying prevention lessons to their daily routines at home. Trained class teachers from the ESF will run small-group interactive sessions in English and German.
Following the interactive sessions there will be an opportunity to ask questions during a 15-minute feedback session as well as exchange views at the end of the event over drinks and finger food.
Mr. Heinz Fischböck, Deputy Head of the Primary Cycle, together with the members of the ESF KiVa Team, Mrs. Barbara Soszynska, President of the Parents’ Association, and other PA Board members will also be present at the event.
If you and/or your partner would like to attend the event, please register yourself and/or your partner indicating the preferred language for the interactive sessions by Thursday, 30 March 2017. Should you require a visitor parking space, please also include your vehicle license plate details. ECB staff can register via the ECB intranet. Partners of ECB staff or non-ECB parents can request to be registered by sending an email to the ECB Staff Info Point ( (Please note – the ECB has a limited number of reserved parking spaces for business visitors and your registration does not automatically guarantee a parking space).
External visitors are reminded to bring their passport or ID and allow some time for the security check at the ECB’s Visitor Entrance (Sonnemannstrasse 20). They should pick up their visitor badge from the Welcome Desk to the right of the Entrance Hall of the Main Building after accessing the ECB premises.
If you already have questions which you would like to be answered at the Workshop, please contact the Parents’ Association (