We are pleased to announce a second presentation in this school year in our project “Talks” organized jointly by the ESF Secondary school and the Parents Association.
It will take place on 23rd March 2017 and will be hosted again by the ECB. The presentation will be given by Dr. Patricia Napiorkowski-Lubbe, a U.S. physician with a specialty in child and adolescent psychiatry. Dr. Napiorkowski-Lubbe also gave the last talk on the use of social media in October. The subject of the talk will be “Helping your child to live a balanced life”, and will cover a number of issues that aim to promote the well-being and independence of our children.
The themes to be presented include:
What does a balanced life mean for your child and your family?
What kind of a mindset promotes life balance?
How can anxiety and stress impact life balance (both positive and negative)?
Tools that parents can use to promote balance in school and at home.
Save the date, we will however send you a reminder a couple of weeks before the presentation.
For those who were not able to attend the first talk held on 27th October 2016 on the theme “Social media use”, the presentation is available on the PA website. There you can also read the results of a survey carried out in the S4 classes, showing a list of the apps most used by the students, plus a guideline on the app content and the possible dangers coming from the use of such social media. Don´t miss it!!
As the Social media use subject raised so much interest, the school has planned to hold a similar presentation for all the students in S1 during the anti-bullying week (20th-24th March). Different aspects of the same topic will also be discussed in all other classes during the week.
We look forward to seeing you in March for another interesting and useful evening which hopefully will help us, parents, to deal better with all the challenging issues that being a parent can sometimes bring.
See you soon,
Doriana Brunner