Dear Parents,
as announced in the last PA Newsletter's article “Upcoming Talks”, these last months we have been working on the proposal to arrange an annual series of talks on school-related issues. We are glad to inform you that the first appointment with an expert advisor is coming soon.
The topic of the talk is “Social Media Use” and will be held by Dr. Patricia Napiorkowski Lubbe. The same topic will be delivered at school, for the benefit of some secondary school classes.
Here follows the complete program.
We look forward to seeing you at the forthcoming event
Doriana Brunner
“Informed parenting in today’s digital age”
The potential impacts of internet and social media on the adolescent brain.
Most parents of adolescent children will admit when asked, that they have concerns and questions regarding the ubiquitous use of digital technology by their children.
Following the Mind Matters kick-off session on 19 May 2016 the ESF and the Parents Association (PA) invite all parents to a presentation on Social Media Use at 5.30pm on Thursday, 27 October 2016. The event is closely linked to the Respect/Anti-Bullying Week organised at the ESF from 24 to 28 October 2016. The presentation will be hosted by the Directorate General Human Resources and will be held at the European Central Bank, Grossmarkthalle, Sonnemannstrasse 20, in Conference Room C3.08/09.
During this session Ms Patty Lubbe (a U.S. physician with a specialty in child and adolescent psychiatry) will take you through the different aspects of the development of an adolescent brain and how it may be affected by today’s digital media services. She will also discuss what research shows regarding the potential benefits and risks to the developing brain associated with internet/social media use, and how to strike a balance with your child. In addition, she will give some insight into the differential effects of social media on girls in comparison to boys.
There will be opportunities to ask questions during the talk as the topic is explored, as well as at the end of the presentation over drinks and finger food.
Ms. Kyriaki Chatzivassiliadou, Deputy Head of the Secondary Cycle, together with a group of her staff and the President of the Parents Association, Mr. Tony Obisesan, and other Board members of the PA will also be present to contribute to the event.
The talk is geared towards the parents of adolescent children, however, all interested parents are welcome to attend.
If you and/or your partner would like to attend this event, please register yourself and/or your partner by Thursday, 20 October 2016. Should you require a visitor parking space, please also include your vehicle license plate details in the registration list. Partners of ECB staff or non-ECB parents of ESF secondary pupils can also directly contact the Staff Info Point (tel: 069 1344 7154, to be included in the above registration list.
External visitors are reminded to bring their passport or ID and allow some time for the security check at the ECB’s Visitor Entrance (Sonnemannstrasse 20). They should pick up their visitor badge from the Welcome Desk to the right of the Entrance Hall of the Main Building after accessing the ECB premises.
If you already have questions which you would like to be answered at the presentation, please contact the Parents Association (email