
During the Summer Holidays children had the opportunity to choose their own themes and decorate the EuroKids village (opposite the main entrance to the school) in a graffiti project. We have also included a sneak preview of the new developments at the EuroKids village and listed below some creative and much requested additions to our 2018-2019 programme which have just been released -

Wednesdays, 16:15-17:15: Kreativwerkstatt (P2, P3) Register (LINK)

Thursdays, 15:15-16:15: Dekoratives Gestalten (P4-P5) Register (LINK)

Fridays, 15:15-16:15: Strong Kids Protect Themselves (P2-P4) Register (LINK)

In addition spaces are still available in some of our music courses. Further details can be found here

We wish you and your family a wonderful start to the new school year.

Your EuroKids Team

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Garden-1200.jpg Piano Room-1200.jpg Playground 2-1200.jpg

Playground-1200.jpg offices Grafiti rotated.jpg

Veröffentlicht: 30. August 2018 30. August 2018
Zugriffe: 2727 2727